

CO2 modell region Knapsacker Hügel/Rhein

Detailed description of challenge


  • Chemical region Knapsacker Hügel and Rhine are predestined with existing value chains (e.g. refinery, petrochemicals, pipelines), population density and various customers for fuels, e.g. at Cologne/Bonn or Nörvenich airports, as well as end customers for plastics
  • Special feature Knapsacker Hügel
    • H2 core network connection
    • Anticipated grid connection CO2 infrastructure
    • Biogenic and fossil CO2 point sources on site
  • Rising demand for sustainable fuels and olefins


  • Development of CO2 model region: Mapping regional production of sustainable fuels and olefins along the value chain + identification of cost drivers/reduction potential and analysis of existing infrastructure as a basis for sustainable network locations
  • Utilising opportunities from the transformation process of the Knapsacker Hügel and the region with perspective scale-up involving stakeholders

Activities for the preparation of the study:

Objective: confirmed technical feasibility for the region, taking into account the available infrastructure

  • Dimensioning of the technology route for the production of sustainable fuels and MtO, based on existing infrastructure and value chains
  • Analyse the CO2 point sources at Knapsacker Hügel
  • Derive the resulting H2 requirements for sustainable fuels production and MtO
  • Quantify the sustainable fuels & MtO requirements in the Knapsacker Hügel / Rhine region
  • Indicative economic evaluation of the relevant technologies
  • Analysis of economically relevant framework parameters and optimisation options along the value chain
  • Compilation of the network and partner network based on infrastructure

First initiatives within company

Need for support

  • Partner for the preparation of this study >-> Lead
  • YNCORIS as central contact for expertise on site and for technology >-> Support
  • Interim goal: Freeze the study scope with all challenge donors and participants in preparation for the full feasibility study
  • Other possible stakeholders: RWE, Shell, EEW, EON, DLR, LyondellBasell, Henkel, Evonik, Flughafen Köln/Bonn, Energy4Climate, Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier …

The challenge is over.

Applications are no longer possible.